Born Digital - The Story of a Distracted Generation


About Robert

Robert Wigley backs young entrepreneurs in cutting edge technology businesses and Chairs UK Finance. He spent a career in finance rising to be EMEA Chairman of Merrill Lynch and a member of the board of the Bank of England during the 2008 financial crisis. He has been Chairman of the Green Investment Bank Commission and wrote the seminal report Winning in the Decade Ahead on the future of London as a Global Financial Centre, for Boris Joh...
Our attention has been hijacked by the tsunami of devices, games and social media which now dominate our lives. This new technology brings efficiency, cost and instantaneous information. But when our attention is the currency being traded by big tech firms, what price are we willing to pay for convenience? Addiction, anxiety, depression, loneliness, low self-esteem, empathy development, troubled relationships, fake news, propaganda and ev...
Online (Zoom)

Wednesday 10 March, 7:00-8:00 pm

Club Member Bob Wigley has led a career at the highest level of business and ociety - from Merrill Lynch chairman, to member of the Board of the Bank Of England, to working with the Home Secretary on Fraud and Counter-terrorism and chairing UK Finance during the current pandemic.

He will discuss his new book Born Digital: The Story of a Distracted Generation, looking at the pluses and minuses...


Daniel Uusitalo

I had the fortune of receiving an early copy of the book Born Digital: The Story of a Distracted Generation, and have to commend Robert on his insight into the ever-growing problem that is obsessive use of technology among youth. From relying on social media to provide one with a feeling of social cohesion to a growing inability among young adults to pay attention to practically anything outside of their smartphones, the issues discussed are omnipresent in the contemporary world. Robert asks great questions, and as such has developed an understanding of mass psychology which allows for a critical and high analytical view of the growing problem. I would recommend the book to anyone looking to develop a perspective on the matter at hand. Personally, I will increasingly work to distance myself from social media, and I believe that reading the book and hearing about it from Robert, has been a great step towards better understanding the roots of the problem.

8 Feb 2022
George Wiltshire

Thought-provoking and enlightening. As a member of Gen Z and someone who has fallen victim to the digital age, I couldn't recommend this book more.

8 Feb 2022
Alberto Busnelli

‘Born Digital’ is a masterful analysis of one of today’s greatest unspoken social issue: the effects of technology on the mental and physical health of the digital native generation.
Thanks to a deep understanding of both the human and digital side of the matter, Robert Wigley paints a vivid picture of Generation Zers’ dreams and fears, ambitions and anxieties. The contribution of numerous young voices - who bring a fresh take on the topics discussed - enhances the quality of the dissertation and gives the genuine opportunity to see the virtual world from unconventional points of view.
I would highly recommend this book to those parents who are interested in better understanding their children’s generation, although I am convinced that those who could benefit more from this reading are the same boys and girls to whom the work is dedicated.

8 Feb 2022


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